Childhood immunizations
Government funded vaccines from 6 weeks to 18yrs and any catch up vaccines that may be required.
Consult with one of our nurses or Doctors to make sure your immunizations are up to date.
When was your last tetanus?
Are you up to date with your Measles mumps rubella?
Pneumonia Vaccination
Government funded for 70yrs and over and those with specific chronic illness eg Chronic Lung conditions/Asthma
Whooping cough
Government funded for all pregnant women and their partners
Are you soon to be a grandparent or an Aunt or Uncle?
Influenza (Flu) Vaccinations
Flu vaccines are available to anyone over the age of 6months of age annually and are currently in stock.
If you are under 5yrs, or over 65yrs and those with some Chronic illnesses. Eg: Asthma the vaccines are Government funded, otherwise there is a cost of $20 for the vaccine.
COVID Vaccinations
We have been accepted as a authorized COVID vaccine Centre.
We Continue to provide COVID vaccines to those 12years and over.