Why are Victorians being encouraged to get tested?

This is an artical taken from the Department of health and human services of Victoria detailing common question about being tested for COVID-19. To read the full artical you can vist https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/getting-tested-coronavirus-covid-19

Everyone who feels unwell and is tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) is helping us understand how the virus is spreading. Everyone who is tested is helping us plan for the restriction levels we need to protect our health system, keep our community safe and save lives.

If you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19, however mild, you should seek advice and get tested.

Why are Victorians being encouraged to get tested?

  • The first round of testing indicates that the number of cases is low, however, there is still a chance that coronavirus (COVID-19) is present but undetected in the community.

  • The increase in testing will provide a clearer picture of how the virus is spreading in Victoria and will inform any future changes to the Chief Health Officer’s directions.

Should I get tested?

If you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, you should seek advice and get tested.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

The symptoms to watch out for are:

  • Fever

  • Chills or sweats

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath

  • Runny nose

  • Loss of sense of smell 

In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may also be considered.

To get further advice, call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398, your local doctor or use our online self-assessment tool.

What if I feel tired or fatigued?

Feeling tired or fatigued is common during many illnesses, including coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are feeling tired and have any of the symptoms above, you should get further advice about testing for coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Why should I get tested?

Diagnosing coronavirus (COVID-19) early, even when symptoms are mild, helps us to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Testing will help us track how well our efforts are working.

It means that you can take informed action to protect yourself and your loved ones. You will be doing your bit to protect all Victorians. 

Do I have to pay to get tested?

No, the coronavirus (COVID-19) test is free. There is no fee for the test when you get tested at a public health facility, mobile testing centre or GP offering bulk billing.

Do visitors from overseas, migrant workers and asylum seekers with symptoms have to pay for testing?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) test is free for everyone. This includes people without a Medicare card, such as visitors from overseas, migrant workers and asylum seekers.

If you have symptoms, you can receive a free test at any Victorian public respiratory clinic below. This does not include general practice (GP) clinics.

Please bring a form of identification and contact details with you to the testing clinic. If you don’t have a Medicare card, please bring one form of identification, for example, your driver’s licence, passport, transport concession card or student ID.

The testing clinic does not need to know your visa status.

For more information, read the factsheet on Testing for international visitors, migrants and asylum seekers (Word).

What does testing involve?

The test takes around a minute and involves taking a sample swab from the back of your throat and nose.

Once the test is complete your results are sent to a laboratory and tested to see if you have coronavirus (COVID-19). You will be contacted by your doctor or the clinic who did the test with your results.

Who can perform tests?

Test samples must be taken by a trained healthcare worker, usually a doctor or nurse.

Victorian School Staff Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Scheme

Victorian School Staff Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Scheme has is now closed. The Victorian Government sends a big thank you to the thousands of school staff who volunteered for testing under the two-week program. The voluntary testing program for school staff ran from 13 to 26 May and encouraged school staff to get tested, even if they had no symptoms. It's important that school staff who have even mild symptoms get tested, and if they are unwell, they stay home.

For information on early learning centres, schools, TAFEs, training providers and universities, see our Education sector page.

What if there are no clinics listed in my area?

If there is no clinic listed near you, contact your doctor, local community health service or local hospital for assistance. Make sure you phone ahead and discuss your symptoms before you visit in person.

What do I need to bring with me to get tested for coronavirus (COVID-19)?

You need to bring your Medicare card.

If you don’t have a Medicare card then bring one form of identification, like your driver’s licence or student ID.

Can I take someone I care for to get tested?

If you usually provide care or assistance to someone who may otherwise have difficulty getting tested, such as an elderly relative, you may take them to a testing centre.

I have symptoms. How do I go out for testing?

If you have any symptoms, you should put on a mask (if you have one) when you go to get tested. This will help prevent spreading the infection to others. If you need one, you will be given a mask to wear by your doctor when you are tested. Avoid using public transport, taxi or rideshare services.

A suspected case is someone who has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) and who has been tested but has not yet found out the results of the test. 

If you have symptoms and are advised by a doctor or healthcare worker, you should return home immediately after the test. There is a risk that you could have coronavirus (COVID-19) and could spread the virus to other people. You must remain in self-quarantine at home until you find out your test result. 

For more information, read the factsheet for suspected cases of coronavirus. To get further advice, call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or your general practitioner.

Can I get tested if I don’t have symptoms?

Staff that work in a government or non-government school will be offered voluntary testing before the return to on-site schooling in June 2020. For school staff with no symptoms, free testing will be available between 13 May to 26 May 2020.

School staff can request a test by following the steps outlined in the information pack: Victorian school staff coronavirus (COVID-19) testing pack – what you need to know.

All other Victorians will be able to get tested if they are displaying common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild.

What happens if I test positive or negative?

Your doctor or the clinic where you were tested will contact you, either by calling or by SMS to notify you of your results, regardless if it is positive or negative.

If you test positive, whether or not you have symptoms, you will need to isolate. You will be contacted by a public health worker from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for advice on the next steps. 

If you test negative, your doctor or the clinic you were tested at will notify you of your result. 

How long does it take to get the results? 

Typically, it takes one to three days for people to get their results after they are tested. Sometimes there can be delays and it can take longer.

Victorian labs are working around the clock to process all the additional tests, but with so many coming in every day, it is taking a little longer to confirm the results.

If you have questions about your results you should contact the clinic or hospital where the test was carried out.

Members of the public who have been tested at a metropolitan retail testing site can call the dedicated Onsite Doctor Results Hotline on 03 8669 0255 if they have been waiting more than five days for results. This hotline opened on 18 May 2020 and will operate from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, until 5 June 2020 inclusive.

We want to thank the community for their support and their patience - we are working as quickly as we can to get timely and accurate results back to those people who came forward for testing.


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